Case Studies

Computer Science departments use CodeGrade to increase engagement and grow their student numbers.

Read how UNLV uses CodeGrade to teach at scale
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"CodeGrade has really made our lives easier. The lives of the TAs, the students, the teachers."
Alex St. Aubin
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
"Students get feedback in a meaningful way when they're using CodeGrade, which they would not get in a traditional way of assessment."
Dr. Greg Longo
Eastern University

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"I really appreciate the partnership that I have with CodeGrade, they help solve every problem!"
Carey Baldwin
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
“With CodeGrade, I could make the switch in my course to having no final exams at all and provide continuous assessment to my students."
Dr. Volker Seeker
The University of Edinburgh

Universities partner with CodeGrade to teach coding to non-CS majors effectively.

Read how UMass uses CodeGrade in non-CS courses
Erasmus University Rotterdam LogoThe University of Edinburgh logoThe University of Edinburgh logoThe University of Edinburgh logoILERNA Online logo

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