March 14, 2024

ISO27001 Certification Announcement!

In 30 seconds...

As an EdTech company, safeguarding sensitive data is our top priority. We're proud to announce our ISO27001 certification, ensuring full compliance. Today, we unveil our Trust Center with over 100 detailed controls, showcasing our commitment to transparency and security, from cloud infrastructure to PII protection. Click Trust Center to learn more. 

As an EdTech company, safeguarding sensitive data is our utmost priority. We've diligently pursued ISO27001 certification, solidifying our Information Security Management System. We are now fully certified and compliant!

Moreover, transparency is key to building trust with our partners. That's why we're thrilled to announce the launch of our live Trust Center today. Here, we showcase over 100 detailed controls, ranging from infrastructure security of cloud services to the privacy and protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

Interested in learning how we ensure the security of your data?

To delve into the specifics of these controls and understand how your data is used, please visit our Trust Center at

At CodeGrade, transparency and honesty regarding data usage are paramount. We remain steadfast in our commitment to safeguarding your data and upholding the highest standards of protection. It is our desire that we continue to provide you and your learners with a rewarding coding experience in a safe environment. 🐤

Kendra Hare

Kendra Hare

Marketing Specialist
Meet Kendra, a whiskey and coffee aficionado, whose rich background in higher education infuses a unique blend of experiences and perspectives. As our marketing specialist, she ensures CodeGrade's mission reaches and impacts a wide audience.

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