CodeGrade autograder for code version Nobel.1
March 9, 2021

New release CodeGrade Nobel.2

We are happy to announce our latest release, CodeGrade Nobel.2, which finally brings one of the most requested features to CodeGrade: double deadlines. With this new feature, you can more easily provide your students with two deadlines (i.e. a soft and a hard one), making CodeGrade fit some common workflows better.

With the new double deadlines, we have added a lock date next to the regular deadline. The regular deadline is still a hard deadline by default, meaning that students cannot hand in after this. However, with the right configuration, you can use the new lock date to allow (some) students to hand in after the deadline, but not after the lock date. For instance, if you workflow is that students can upload up to a week after the deadline, but with a point penalty per late day.

Want to get started with CodeGrade in your course?

CodeGrade N.2 also adds the new cg_at_utils module, which you can use to more easily automatically access AutoTest metadata, and adds more minor improvements and bug fixes to make CodeGrade even better. To find a full list of all our changes, please check out the full release notes in our changelog here.

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