Our developers have been busy! We have successfully launched our latest release: Izanami. This release features a few major new features. The most important of which is group assignments. In CodeGrade you can now create groups, share them between assignments, and hand in as a group. The grades for a group are sent back via LTI to each group member automatically.
Another big new feature is the possibility to display Jupyter notebooks within our Code Viewer, which now automatically renders and displays the JSON of the notebook. With this feature we also implemented rendering of markdown files. Teachers can place inline comments on both these files.
We have also completely redone the assignment management page, to make it more organised and less cluttered.
Lastly, we have done a bunch of minor updates and fixes to make CodeGrade better and improve workflows. Full release notes are available here. Next month we will release Izanami.1 with some exciting new features!