Explore AutoTest V2’s customizable workflows and new features to enhance your grading efficiency and student feedback.
November 1, 2024

Watch now! Efficient Grading with AutoTestV2!

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Find out what we discussed in our latest webinar. It was great to see lots of you from the CodeGrade community!

Our recent community webinar explored how automatic grading can streamline your workflow and provide consistent, immediate feedback to students. In this session, we covered key aspects of our latest release, AutoTest V2, including:

  • Setting up an efficient autograding workflow
  • Providing students with instant, actionable feedback
  • Customizing assignments with a drag-and-drop interface
  • Debugging tests more effectively
  • Leveraging support from our dedicated team

Catch the recording below to see it in action.

Wondering if automatic grading can work for your course? Talk to us today!

What's next?

Our next webinar will give a glimpse into our latest feature - our AI Assistant for Code. As AI continues to transform programming education, we’re excited to demonstrate how this innovative tool can enhance learning while upholding academic integrity.

​You will hear from Brian Brady, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology at Ferris State University. Professor Brady will share his creative approach to leveraging AI to maintain academic integrity while equipping students with real-world, job-ready programming skills.

This webinar takes place on Wednesday 20th November, 9 AM EST - 10 AM EST / 4 PM - 5 PM CET. If you are interested but cannot attend, sign up below and we will send you a recording.

Register here!

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