
Updates and improvements to CodeGrade.
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September 22, 2023

Assignment descriptions in submission list

This sprint we we made three key changes focused on bringing more usability to the UI. We have improved the submission list firstly by making it possible to view the assignment description directly rather than having to go to the settings, and secondly, by making it possible to sort submissions by section. Additionally we have improved the plagiarism checker by making it possible to filter cases using the search bar and by making it possible to load more than 100 cases.

Other improvements

  • We now show a warning that the test crashed for IO Tests and hide the diff viewer to prevent confusion about the cause of the test failing.
  • We have now made it possible to import an entire assignment setup into assignments that have existing submissions.
  • It is no longer necessary to refresh the page when importing an AutoTest v2 configuration.
  • AutoTest v2 steps that generate comments on students' code now have a dedicated viewer for a user-friendly output.
  • Institutions with a Brightspace LTI1.3 integration can now adjust their assignment names in CodeGrade.
  • All new staff users will be granted access to the community library by default.

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