Group assignments: With this release we have added group assignments. It is possible to create groups, share them between assignments, and submit as a group. Groups can be given a nice name, that is easily remembered by the TA.
Add support for 7zip as archive format
Make late submissions stand out: Submissions that have been handed in after the deadline are highlighted in the submissions list.
Make it possible to display IPython notebooks: CodeGrade now renders handed in IPython notebooks in the web interface instead of showing a JSON blob. Additionally, markdown files are also rendered. Teachers can place comments in both types of files, as well as on image files now. This also adds a message when a file does not end in a newline character.
Other improvements
Show message when uploaded file is empty: When a file is empty,
it wouldn’t show up at all in the code viewer. This changes it to show a message, indicating that the file is empty.
Make the user selector more clear: The user selector now shows a magnifying glass, indicating that the user can type to search for users.
Use flatpickr datetime picker instead of native: Date/time inputs have been changed to use a date picker, so users of browsers besides Chromium can now also pleasantly select a date or time.
Change icon for user in the sidebar
Hide plagiarism providers when there is only one
Make sure it is possible to ignore single files: When a student submitted a single file instead of an archive, the student would not be warned that the file was ignored by the assignment’s CGignore file.
Make sure confirmations work correctly when submitFunction is used
Improve grade viewer: It was not possible to simultaneously submit a change to a rubric and override the grade calculated by the rubric.