
Updates and improvements to CodeGrade.
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January 28, 2021

Version Nobel.1

This release kicks off our push to make AutoTest even better this year. You can now give even more accurate feedback by customizing AutoTest messages, and the workflow for uploading fixtures has been optimized.

  • Provide more accurate feedback by customizing the messages in AutoTest.

Other improvements

  • Improve UX for setting up AutoTest setup scripts, making it more clear when you haven’t changed the input and what the time-limit is for the command.
  • Make it possible to overwrite AutoTest fixtures without deleting the old fixtures with the same name first.
  • Automatically open the first subdirectories (those corresponding to AutoTest categories) in the AutoTest output file tree.
  • We’ve added a tenant system to make our service even better. When logging in you now have to select your instance.
  • Fix rare CSV export bug where exported data might be outdated if you didn’t refresh the page since the last update.
  • Transform your coding course today!