35 fully autograded Python assignments for K-12 coding classes.

Introduction to Programming curriculum

  • Fun and engaging assignments with automatic grading and feedback.
  • Code directly in CodeGrade's online IDE from a starter template.
  • A curriculum designed by the best high school in California.
Developed in collaboration with
The University of Edinburgh logo

Introduction to Programming assignments

Lesson 1: Hello world, working with input and arithmetics

Intro to Prog 5: Circle
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Intro to Prog 6: Triangle
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Applying what you've learned so far:
Intro to Prog 7: Volleyball Teams
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Intro to Prog 8: Average
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Lesson 2: using if-statements and random numbers

Applying what you've learned so far:
Intro to Prog 11: BMI
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Random numbers
Intro to Prog 14: Magic 8 Ball
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Lesson 3: while-loops and keeping a running count

Applying what you've learned so far:
Intro to Prog 19: Hourly Wage Calculator
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Intro to Prog 20: Rock Paper Scissors
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Get access to all Introduction to Programming assignments now!

Start teaching Python in your school today!

"My experience with CodeGrade has been fantastic, it has been a winner for me and my students from the start!"
Jessica Kaufman
Harvard-Westlake School, Los Angeles, CA

Fully automatically graded Python course

  • 1. Students write their code in our easy online IDE
    Introduce your students to Python without any overhead. CodeGrade's online IDE is integrated with your LMS and let's your students write their Python code without distractions and helps ease the transition from block-based coding.
  • 2. Student-friendly automated continuous feedback
    Scared that your students will struggle with an autograder? CodeGrade's autograder uses state-of-the-art tools to provide students with easy to read and constructive feedback, helping them make progress quickly!
  • 3. Great learning outcomes
    CodeGrade's Python assignments are designed by Harvard-Westlake School to be fun and engaging for middle school education. CodeGrade has been proven to greatly improve student results and satisfaction.

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Teach Python in your LMS!

CodeGrade's Python assignments are available in...

Canvas logo
Python coding in Canvas
Blackboard logo
Python coding in Blackboard
D2L Brightspace logo
Python coding in D2L Brightspace
Moodle logo
Python coding in Moodle
edX logo
Python coding in Open edX
Sakai logo
Python coding in Sakai
Populi logo
Python coding in Populi
Thought Industries logo
Python coding in Thought Industries
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Start teaching Python now

CodeGrade is your virtual teaching assistant in your Python classroom. You teach, CodeGrade takes care of the rest.

Our 35 built-in fully automatically graded Introduction to Programming assignments are designed especially for middle school and high school coding education, in close collaboration with Harvard-Westlake School (Los Angeles, CA). You can start teaching Python at your school with confidence now and ease the transition from block-based coding to Python coding. Or, easily scale your coding classroom with CodeGrade's tools.

Book a personal 30-minute demo now and we'll show you how to get started with CodeGrade in less than 1 hour!
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Happy teachers

  • Teachers who use CodeGrade have less stress.
  • Teachers who use CodeGrade have happier and more successful students.
  • Teachers who use CodeGrade have a simpler teaching workflow.

Schedule a personalized tour of CodeGrade today.