Faster grading and more engaging assessment.

CodeGrade enhances all coding courses at your community college, regardless of the size, discipline, or programming language.
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Trusted by world-class organizations

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Erasmus University Rotterdam Logo
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The University of Edinburgh logo
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The University of Edinburgh logo
ILERNA Online logo
The University of Edinburgh logo
The University of Edinburgh logo
The University of Edinburgh logo
ILERNA Online logo
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam logo
The University of Edinburgh logo

How it works

Teach the basics

Create simple coding assignments with ease or use our built-in Intro to Python course. You get access to our Community Library, full of assignments from educators across the world.

Advanced courses

Whether you teach Assembly, Systems programming, functional programming or web development. Use our variety of test types so students can refine their knowledge of more complex topics.

Make assessment engaging

Use a variety of coding quizzes, multiple choice questions and larger assignments to keep students engaged and improve their understanding of key concepts. Adjust them to suit the needs of your students.

Streamlined learning

“I find that CodeGrade increases my efficiency greatly. To have a streamlined platform like this, it’s quite fantastic."
Steven Richardson, Lecturer, Lake Tahoe Community College

All within your LMS

Seamless LMS integration saves you from administrative headaches and your students from confusing learning systems. CodeGrade allows you to focus on teaching and your students to focus on learning.

Set up in no time

We aim to get you up and running with your first assignment in 2 hours. Our support team is on call to onboard you and help with any questions.

Here to help

Whether you run into an issue or want to know how to set up your assignment, here back from our support team quickly. Teachers rate our service and support with a 9.1 out of 10.

Transform your coding course today!