Teach Go With CodeGrade

From beginner courses to advanced, use CodeGrade to make your Go assignments more effective and engaging.
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ILERNA Online logo
The University of Edinburgh logo
The University of Edinburgh logo
The University of Edinburgh logo
ILERNA Online logo
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam logo
The University of Edinburgh logo

How it works

Flexible autograder that supports everything

CodeGrade works with any industry standard static code analysis tool or linter. From gofmt (or gofumpt), Checkstyle, GoLint and Semgrep, to code complexity checkers like depth, funlen and abcgo.

Effortless functionality checking

Use built in Input/Output tests and unit testing with any unit testing framework like the Go Testing Package, Testify or even httpexpect, Vegeta and Selenium or run any custom grading script you have lying around on our autograder.

Works with any framework or library

CodeGrade supports any Golang version, REPLs like Gore and all Go's libraries. Teach Database courses using GORM or Web Development courses using GRequests or Gin.

Giving better feedback to students at University of Amsterdam

"CodeGrade gives me tools to make my life easier while giving better feedback to students”
Dr. Ana Oprescu, Lecturer

Transform your coding course today!