Python 1.4

Python as a calculator

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  • To have Python installed or use CodeGrade’s editor.
  • To have learned about print statements.

Learning goals:

  • Get familiar with Python arithmetics.
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Historically, computers were used to execute complex mathematical calculations. One of the first substantial computers was also called ENIAC: Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator (read more here!). Just like all programming languages, Python can still serve as a calculator. Understanding how to do arithmetics with Python is vital for almost all your upcoming Python projects too.

You will explore Python as a calculator. We will go over the following basic operations:

  • Addition `+`: E.g. `4 + 1 = 5`.
  • Subtraction `-`: E.g. `4 - 1 = 3`.
  • Multiplication `*`: E.g. `4 * 3 = 12`.
  • Division `/`: E.g. `12 / 4 = 3`.
  • Exponentiation `**`: Raise the number to the left to the power of the number to the right, e.g. `4**2 = 16`.
  • Modulo `%`: The remainder of the division of the number to the left with the number to the right, e.g. `16 % 3 = 1`.

Your task is to explore these operations. Write a program called `` that prints the answers to the following in order:

  1. 120 + 43
  2. 9382 - 450
  3. 999 * 9994
  4. 120 / 40
  5. Calculate the answer to these problems:
    a. A team of hungry programmers share 50 slices of pizza. If each programmer eats exactly 3 pieces of pizza, how many slices are left over in the end?7
    b. Guido earns $30.000 in his first year as a software engineer. Each year, he gets a 3.5% raise. What is Guido’s salary after 5 years? (Learn more about exponential growth here)

The aim of this assignment is to explore arithmetics in Python. All you have to do is put these static calculations in `print` statements. Print everything on a new line using multiple prints.

Example usage:

-!- CODE language-bash -!-$ python3

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