It’s finally here! Over the past year, the team here at CodeGrade has been working tirelessly to create a brand new autograding infrastructure, AutoTest V2. This total redesign was inspired by teacher feedback, with the goal of making autograding even more powerful and intuitive.
This release was accompanied by a webinar hosted by CEO, Youri Voet. You can find a summary of this webinar below or read on for the written summary.
AutoTest V2 makes coding easier for students. This simplified interface allows your students to focus on the task at hand. After handing in their code, they see the tests that teachers have created and whether or not they have passed them. It is even possible to designate certain tests to run inside the editor, allowing students to run their code before submitting it. This seamless workflow integrates smoothly within your LMS, transforming it into an IDE. Another great benefit for students is the reduced start-up time, now less than 1 second!
For teachers, AutoTest V2 offers a more intuitive setup. The teacher interface has changed to a block-based system which is incredibly versatile. Whereas AutoTest V1 required teachers to write code, AutoTest V2 now allows for a drag-and-drop system to create autograder configurations. Of course, if you prefer to write all code yourself that is still possible! Adding tests and testing those tests has never been easier. Not only this, it is significantly faster. Latency to run is now less than 150 milliseconds and everything autosaves!